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Head Office
2835 East 106th Street, Chicago, IL, 60617

A proud and involved member of the South Deering community

Our Operations:

AOSC is a liquid asphalt storage and distribution facility, handling multiple grades of product for use road and highway construction, and industrial applications. The utilization of our products supports the local construction economy by keeping our customers competitive and local County, State and Federal road project costs down.

Our focus:

  • Maintaining regulatory compliance
  • Conducting operations safely and with respect to the environment
  • Producing quality asphalt products
  • Staying an active and engaged neighbor in the South Deering community

Our site

AOSC is located on 106th Street near Torrence Avenue on 53 acres adjacent to the Calumet River.  The facility receives product by barge and ships out by truck and rail.

AOSC employs a full-time staff of 22 people, several of whom live in or have roots in southeast Chicago.  AOSC enjoys a high retention rate among its employees. AOSC’s workforce is represented by the Operating Engineers Local 150.

The AOSC facility is in the Lake Calumet Planned Manufacturing District Number 6 of the Chicago Industrial Corridors.

Recognition for Safe Operations

Through the years, AOSC has been recognized in the industry for the safe practices of its operations. Recent awards include:

South Deering’s Asphalt Operating Services of Chicago (AOSC) is a recipient of the OmniTRAX Safe Shipper Award.  OmniTRAX, a nationwide railroad management company, presented the award for AOSC’s spotless shipping record during 2021 and 2022.  AOSC is one of the Chicago area’s recipients of the national award.  In recognition of the local awards, OmniTRAX presented Chicago Police District Four and the Chicago Fire Department Engine 81 with, $1,000 each, to be donated to charities of their choice. 

Highlights of Our Commitment to Community 

Boys & Girls Club of Chicago at Bright School

AOSC coordinated the 2013 establishment of the dedicated Boys & Girls Club at Bright School. At Bright, more than 100 kids participate in the encouraging afterschool programs each weekday, learning key lessons and important skills.  AOSC is proud to provide ongoing support to the Boys & Girls Club at Bright School.

AOSC/Kurt Bushno Memorial Scholarship at Olive-Harvey

In honor of our late colleague Kurt Bushno, AOSC established the annual scholarship that focuses on our South Deering neighbors who are pursuing educational goals at Olive-Harvey Community College. The annual scholarship of up to $1000 per academic year is available to residents of the 60617. Site neighbors receive special consideration in the application review process.

Kurt died of ALS a disease of the nerve system that causes loss of muscle control. He maintained his fullness for life and dignity despite significant health challenges. His determination, spirit and grace were inspiring. The scholarship seeks to support our neighbors who rise to life challenges by working to better themselves and improve their circumstances through education. 

Our Tribute to Bushno

Bright School graduating student  scholarship

AOSC offers ongoing perks to cheer on the parents and students at Bright. We offer gift cards for holiday meals and a fill-up at BP for parents active in school functions and we annually acknowledge selected graduating eighth graders with awards for their freshman fees.

Kiki Hoxie Memorial Garden/NeighborSpace

In cooperation with Alderwoman Susan SadlowskiGarza, AOSC spearheaded a 2021-2022 improvement project for the NeighborSpace community garden.  

AOSC reached out to other local industry and partnered with them to provide the garden with a paved pathway, electricity, a new tool shed and lawn furniture.

Intelligentsia Cup Chicago Cycling Race

The 10-day 2022 Intelligentsia racing event was staged throughout Chicagoland. AOSC was the primary sponsor in showcasing the south Chicago leg of thecycling route to a broad audience.  AOSC’s donation included funding paychecks for the youths who worked at the event.

South Chicago Parents & Friends

AOSC is proud sponsor of South Chicago Parents & Friends. Located in South Deering, SCP&F provides family support services, residential options and dignified training and employment opportunities, as well as structured day services for our community members with intellectual and development disabilities. 

South Deering Senior Club

AOSC is an ongoing friend of the newly-formed community service group, South Deering Senior Club. The powerhouse group of more than 100 senior citizens has banded together post-pandemic to inject new energy into South Deering’s civic pride.  AOSC enthusiastically supports the group’s efforts.

AOSC – We’re Neighbors … Just Call

From the start, AOSC has maintained steady connection with our neighbors. AOSC’s representative is frequently available at South Deering community gatherings, including CAPS Beat 434 meetings and community gatherings and special events. Additionally, reaching us is as easy as a phone call.  If you have questions or comments, please let us know. 

AOSC Background Highlights:

In 2010, AOSC announced its plans to develop a portion of the former Wisconsin Steel Works site. 

  • January 7, 2010 Briefing for the Southeast Environmental Task Force (SETF) and affiliates at SETF 
  • January 13, 2010 Briefing for Business and Community Leaders at St. Kevin Church 
  • January 18, 2010 Briefing for Community Residents At-Large at St. Kevin Church 
  • October 21, 2010 Full page AOSC ad in Southeast Chicago Observer 
  • “Asphalt Operating Services Chicago Announces Plans for South Deering Facility” 
  • January 27, 2010 Southeast Chicago Observer – Page 1 Headline
  • A Note to Our New Neighbors (Inset Link) 
  • Under construction, on April 20, 2011, AOSC, with Alderman John Pope, hosted Mayor Daley on his Farewell Tour 
  • October 3, 2011 – Open House/Ribbon Cutting 
  • Employment ads placed in Southeast Chicago Observer 
  • As we staffed up to begin operations, AOSC actively recruited from the neighboring community placing employment ads in the former Southeast Chicago Observer newspaper and conducting applicant interviews coordinated through the former Southeast Chicago Development Commission (SEDCOM) job bank.